Sitemap - 2022 - Meta-IRM

Innovation and why records management is in danger of disappearing

Why archival compliance programs fail

How to see the strategic power of records.

How the new privacy laws will help you through the disposition approval logjam

The role of records and information management in information security

Are we credible and efficient suppliers of records service and how can we know?

Records funding and intrapreneurship

How to diagnose records management errors

What constrains the value of records management.

How to get resources and money for records

What people need help with in records

Records and how to disrupt a war

Taking records from "might need" to "will need"

How files as an abstraction set records up to fail in the electronic and digital age.

Two ways to divide records creators and users, and what they need help with.

The most important governance issue for records, information and data management

Why do we separate management of work and management of information

Organisational politics, records management and the new skills required to succeed

Information Revolution Podcast 5 - What would you do if retention was off the table?

Why the middle manager in your line is the most important records person in the organisation.

Data(base) records(edrms) and dodging responsibility

Making people aware of the records work they already do

What information literacy means for records management and the opportunities it creates

How meaningful is an aggregation if it doesn't include structured data?

How search changed fundamental relationships in records without changing practice.

What records are for - and climate change.

What is an acceptable compliance rate in records?

Information, data and records are blurring together - finally

How to make sure your work is appreciated and used in information and records management

Skills for the next generation of records practice

Barometers for how records is doing in your organisation and measuring the unquantifiable

What to do if your records community is the same conversations over and over

Information Revolution episodes 3 and 4

How to get people to care about your records program

Explaining information quality - to professionals and non-professionals

How you know when a problem has been solved with a record

What defines the limits to what you can achieve with a records program

The first step if records is in a hole in your organisation.

Information Revolution Podcast episode 2 - figuring out what you've got

How to become sensitive to records and information management problems

The question the really brave people in records management are asking themselves

The culture of records management

Engaging and not engaging with the big issues in records management

Do we need better records verbs?

How to do in place records management.

The information problems of organisations and the cloud.

Records and the need to reduce uncertainty in decision making.

Something records managment routinely forgets and you're probably forgetting to use in your information architecture

Michael, Judi and I started an information management podcast...

What expectation does your records management service set?

How to have your information asset management program taken seriously

The recordkeeping that we never have to ask people to do

What do your categories say your records program is for?

Records management best practice and efficacy

How to get records started in the right direction in your inductions and get process appraisals done for free

Professionals vs practitioners in records and information

What to do if your records regulator (or any other) won't take enforcement actions.

What is a records system?

The simplest way to get funding for records

Where almost every records program is stuck

Records compliance standards vs what really happens and what gets lost in the process

Gains from records

Reconnecting records with effective business management and administration

How old is the backward looking view of records management?

Making records management easier to fund

Delivering on records for the people who care

The different approaches to records

How to know whether your records policy can be effective

Record vs. recording- and at least one reason we're managing so much garbage.

Changing records management architecture - lets stop designing things for filing clerks.

Records management standing on its own

Records management and how professions learn

Where records management legislation has been most effective, where it has been least effective, and what it means for us.

M365, the opportunity to re-make records management and the race.

Where are the records adoption models?

Records Management - what risk budgets and poker machines have in common.

Why right now is the best time to be in records management since the invention of writing.

How to talk to IT and your executive about records storage

The psychological trauma inflicted by poor records management classification schemes

Succeeding at records management and business performance improvement by managing the most important class of record - ephemera

Creating reasons to sustain a records management capability

What maintenance of an information asset register should really look like.

Records Management and the things we talk to our organisations about.

Are records in Records Systems lower or higher quality - and how do you know?

Records Management or managing the records?

A question to ask yourself before you implement records management "best practice"

Why retention schedules are a not a valuation tool and are actually killing records management.

How to answer the information asset register maintenance question and make it more than just another maintenance task.

Active vs. Passive investment management and how it explains the Records Management funding crisis.

Lessons from Zen about records management practice.

Conversations about quality in records management.

Where is all the value of records management?

Sustainable and unsustainable records management and how your organisations tell you which you are practicing.

Thought experiments in retention management

What pineapple farmers can teach records managers, and why African countries are where it's at for records management right now.

What's the business case for disposition?

Records Management - how are we measuring our success?

What fileservers tell us about our records practice.

How to make reporting more meaningful in records.

The retention schedule - principal destroyer of the value of records management.

Records management and why WIIFM is dangerous.

Why ordinary people create records

The main question enterprise search answers for your information and records management program.

One question to ask if you need your organisation to understand why record quality matters.

What quality means when it comes to records and information and why it's the biggest opportunity we have to raise our professional profiles

Cultivating virtuous cycles in records and information management

When should compliance be a factor in your records program?

How to improve records in government with one metric