Sitemap - 2023 - Meta-IRM

Recorded information vs recorded communication and why email servers have the best provenance

Data management and the records continuum

The embeddedness of the "records system document custody" paradigm - and the future of archives

How to prove the value of records to your organisation

The two camps in government records

What records first step should be with copilot

The copilot opportunity for records - and how to not stuff it up.

The critical records skill for now.

Separating retention management and records management

What's your 2030 plan?

No one seems to be thinking about the project AFTER data discovery

Where everyone seems to be going wrong with information valuation - and a possible way forward

If information is an asset

Rethinking record capture as procurement

You shouldn't have an information asset management program without this.

Creating shorter feedback loops in records

What senior people actually need to understand about records

There's already a healthy records culture in our organisation, why doesn't it involve us?

Why everyone in records should be studying the DMBOK

Checkers, chess, poker and records

Short and long term program strategy in records

The records management order of operations

The cost side economics of records management and how to think about privacy and AI

On the pretence there’s a meaningful differentiation between records management and information management and what it's done to us

Teams chats, record keeping, infantilisation and slippery slopes

Generative AI, the third generation of records systems and beyond chicken little

Strategic theory and records management

Poker machine payoffs and records management strategy

Trapped in our own ways of thinking about records

Records and rationality

Forgetting the most important question in records management

Why you need internally focused and externally focused measures of records performance

Records systems and the riskiest processes for your organisation

Where are your people choosing an error rather than relying on records?

How is your organisation learning from the records you're managing?

Tally sticks, databases and records management

The only feedback you can trust from your executive about your records program

The quality of record keeping and being attached to archival practice

Records has had EDRMS for so long we've forgotten why we have it.

Meaningful meta-aggregations of records

An assumption underpinning records management that we can re-examine to get more funding.

The main constraints on the availability of funding for records

Telling vs persuading in records

The official yes/unofficial no, and how to beat it in your records program.

The thing missing most in most records programs - and how to get it.

The forgetting curve and the future of records.

How to talk to people about how records deliver improved results.

Records and funding - what determines the strength of the relationship

Records and management - what's important, and what it's for.

Where the ISO definitions of records management and records need work - and what I'd change them to

Records can help people be better managers - and why that's bad for records management

A truly great records strategy isn’t a records strategy

The most important question to ask if your records program can't get traction

Financial analysis and records management

How to get records management to be considered a strategic part of your organisation

How does your records strategy meet your records tactics?

Records, collusion, deception and what the right records strategy recognises.

Executive conversation dynamics for records management

Bie and Metis, and why understanding them will help you develop a records strategy that has a chance of winning.

Why we have to stop talking about records management as though it's crucial

Where is the records practice boundary?

Burning the boats in records management

The records that matter

The value producing elements of a records system

The key to getting records to work in any organisation

The pattern of what we implement vs what we intended to implement in records

Breaking coconuts by hand in records management

High quality information environments and records management

Information Revolution Episode 15 - Understanding the information landscape

Good records practice vs. good records outcomes

A trivial but purposeful experiment in records

Making records management a collaborative discipline

A question about required authority - for consideration before you approach an executive about records

Are you here for records or archival regulation?

Push vs. Pull models in records

Geographic differences and the future of records.

Information Revolution Episode 14 - Creating Virtuous Cycles

Where to start with a records and information strategy

What does it mean to be strategic in records and information management?

The privacy commissioner and ISO16175

Business systems and EDRMS - who's doing which parts of ISO records management.

Changing the expectation about records.

How to know if your organisation wants what you're selling in records

The basic assumption of records management.

Records as servant

What I learned from apple about how to make records work

The real superpower of records - and how to realise it.

How to make findability numbers worth something in records.

Why privacy will make or break records management

Information Revolution Podcast Episode 12 - appraising where we're at.

Hoping people have a bad day and the strategic power of records.

Records, the limitations of metadata, and the assumptions underlying what we do

What's your records system repertoire

Records and how to understand if your WIIFM really is in it for them, or if you're just pushing something they don't want

Factoring regulator competence into your records program

Why records is the rope in the tug-of-war between archives that regulate them and the businesses they serve

Why records needs to abandon ISO standards, own business systems first and think about compliance last.

Rate problems, tooling and resources in records management.

The missing models in records management that might explain why IT get adoption.

The records maths that chief executives do.

Why don't we see more Agile in records management programs?

The costs of your records process and putting the business back in.

Writing your records manifesto

Things every records manager should know - the current level of process performance.

Information Revolution Podcast - Skills for the future

Information Revolution podcast - Executive Engagement and story telling

Recognition primed decision making and what it means for change in records

Capture led records vs. creation led records.

What a survey of your management teams will tell you about records

Four questions about the promise of records management to help your organisation get clear on it.

The emerging fourth generation of electronic records management technologies - and the generation I'm stuck on.

How do we change records from ineffective to effective?

How records has to compete.

Efficient and Systematic Control, and why we're mostly still running records as a registry office

How do we avoid having to discuss low compliance rates in records with our organisations?

Managing record and archive quality in the right place.

Leadership in records and who it has to be.

The fiction of people classifying things in records

The secret to executive enagagement in records

The competitive aspect of records.

Curation - the missing records skill that evidence based organisations are looking for.

Priorities 1 - 10 when you need a person to interact with a records system directly.

Why records as a compliance centre is a political loser and easy to under-fund.

Social defenses and colluding on the fiction of archival compliance in records management

Important questions about the practical maturity of records management.

Poor results are records fault - and what we can focus on to fix that.

The real consequences of poor records and why compliance should come last

Why records works best as a value centre

Records, caring about people and adoption

Dealing with the responsibility problem in records management

The hierarchy of records value

The social dimension of records.