Capture led records vs. creation led records.
Right now, records as a model is almost entirely capture led.
We're all running around after everyone, trying to get them to put their stuff somewhere where we can manage.
Creation though, is where all the problems happen.
It's where the decicision gets made to spread that information across 8 documents instead of one.
It's where people decide to put it in some unapproved system because that's where the "create" button that they like using is.
It's where all of the meaningful opportunities to influence quality are.
And the future of records isn't in capture, it's in quality.
Quality information and records can improve business results.
Quality is also something that machines are terrible at.
And there is a future coming in which capturing all of the junk that people create, everywhere, all the time - can be done by machines.
So we need to focus on things that don't involve us competing with things that work 10x faster than we do, don't sleep, don't take holidays, and cost half as much.
The future of records is creation led.