Geographic differences and the future of records.
A constant topic of conversation at the moment is the adoption of Microsoft 365.
One of the most consistent criticisms of it, is that it's an "American Model" - which in Australian recordkeeping circles is always said with an air of superiority.
What's also interesting, is that the other big debate going on in Australia is about whether we should abandon the term "Records" - because so much damage has been done to that brand here, that people no longer consider it something that they want to have in their title, or talk about.
So it's been very interesting to see the government tenders coming out of US states recently.
A couple of tenders I reviewed last week for "Records Management Systems" describes systems running and managing the process and records for most critical operational processes of the organisations.
On reading the tender, I was surprised (pleased) to find that they're asking for what we'd call "business systems" in Australia.
There were no ISO standards mentioned.
Just the need for high-integrity management of the processes and records that created them.
The core of records.
The future of records.