A truly great records strategy isn’t a records strategy
Truly great records strategies get action outside of the records team.
Outside of the records team, people aren’t engaged in records management. So a records strategy is unlikely to move them.
Your executive team is not engaged in records management. So a records strategy is unlikely to move them.
Ultimately, the business in which you work doesn’t exist to create records, so while we like a records management strategy, it’s ultimately about what we’re going to do and the value we will get.
A great records management strategy though, isn’t a records strategy - it’s a business strategy.
Great records strategies are about how records management moves the business of the organisation forward. How it makes it better at what it does - which means that either absolute performance has to improve, or quantifiable risk to results has to go down.
A great records strategy is a business strategy and you’ll know when you’ve got one - because everyone will want to be involved.