Burning the boats in records management
I wrote a post recently about routines.
No system works without a routine that integrates it into the day to day work that people do.
One of the challenges of a new system, is always the old system.
This is particularly a problem in records management, because the utility that other people get from a records system is generally that it stores their recorded information - and there are many, many systems that do that while providing less friction than a records system typically does.
This makes it puzzling to me, that we almost always deploy a records system in addition to other systems.
Without something to break the old routine, the new one will continue.
Why don't we fight harder to close down the old systems?
Why isn't every records program about a continual phasing out of old, less-capable storage systems in favour of the one that we are implementing?
Why are we so keen to put our own boat in a position where people feel like they can burn it because they have other options?