The main constraints on the availability of funding for records
I think there are only a couple of factors at play here.
The first, and by far the largest, is how we think about the value of records, what it is for, and how much value can be derived from it.
The second, is our organisations conception of records.
The third, is other organisational factors - how much money it has available overall, and the competing priorities for that money.
The fourth, is how competent the organisation thinks you are to deliver the value it seeks.
The key point to take away, is that the largest constraint on records in our organisation is how we think about it.
If we're not getting the funding we need, the first thing we have to examine, is our own way of thinking about records and how it delivers value.
If we’re not getting funded, chances are, the things we’re thinking about, and asking to fund, aren’t things that our organisation values.
If we’re not capable of thinking about records in a way that delivers meaningful gains for our organisation, gains that they actually want, we’re never going to get funded.
The nice thing about this, is that all we have to do in order to get the funding we need, is change our minds.
And that doesn’t cost anything.