I, for one, welcome our new data overlords. Let us commence the ceremony of surrend-, er, friendship with the NoSQL dance of love. Ritual sacrifice of budget requests to follow.

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Is it 'values', or what is valued? We are getting records valued in our organisation by demonstrating and communicating their value, and then making it easier for staff to keep and find records by managing them in the background of their other work. Our focus is on making things findable and useable.

We've compromised on having perfect EDRMS and indexing, rather focussing on (a) capturing as many records as possible under broader categories; and (b) making it easier for staff to do so - and then no more 'we can't find x vital document from three years ago'. People DO want to follow and engage us, which is great!

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I'm not sure there's a difference Gillian. I think our values drive what is valued by us - and those basic assumptions drive how we do our jobs. I know a huge number of records teams who won't compromise on a perfect EDRMS but are perfectly happy to compromise on EDRMs that people use and that is useful.

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