Records and value in motion
One of the natural tendencies of focusing on things that are recorded, is to have a tendency to believe that because the information stopped for a moment to be recorded, the value is in the thing that doesn't move.
Which is like saying that the value of a book is in having it on the shelf.
But the value in any information is in having it consumed - having it in motion.
Onto a system, back through a person, into action.
The constant transformation of records into knowledge and action.
The movement creates the value.
Any time the record is being managed and is not in motion, it's only a cost.
The services around it are a cost, the software is a cost, the people to manage it are a cost.
Cost cost cost cost cost cost cost.
If we want to "manage" it "better" - we add even more cost.
The only way we increase the value of our activities, is by focusing on the thing that generates value - the motion.